Thursday, August 30, 2007

Moorea - Space holder for a friend of mine

Oh dear! Moorea is waiting....!!!

Time to leave Papeete for fresh air and lebensraum !!! (Lebensraum (German for "habitat" or "living space"))

One of the Best & Worst place to live in French Polynesia is probably Moorea and Papeete (so different)? But why compare? Papeete is fairly ok and almost certainly an okay place to work in, and Moorea is just lovely and absolutely the best place to live. – So at this moment I hope Moorea is waiting for me! I need to stay for 2 days and need accommodations for 3 nights.

I don’t want to waste my time. I’ve been waiting too long... at 22000 kilometers distance.

– Friends and cheerful people of Moorea, are you ready to meet me?
– I’m on my way… I’ve been waiting to see you !!!

Oh dear! It's Time to run... the ferry is waiting...

On the Aremiti 5 Ferry, 'top deck' is the place for lovers of the sea!

Le Truck is waiting... at the Port of Moorea....

.... and the fruit is waiting...

Europcar and Fleur is waiting for me!

.... and this is my number....

Moorea - Look at the vegetation and trees...

– I know that my friend is occupied and very busy working today… I hope you are as me, happy waiting and glad to see me later in the evening too...

...... and hopefully....

...... and hopefully are le pamplemousse waiting in the fridge too ?


The bungalow at Fare Mato Tea (Haapiti)

My bungalow at Fare Mato Tea (Haapiti) is waiting for me at, and Fare Mato Tea don’t expect me to arrive before 1.30 pm.

How to spend some hours in Moorea before 1.30 pm?

I don’t want to waste my time. I’ve been traveling and waiting too long…

..... Let’s see if my music-friend is at home and if it's possible to go for a swim at the beach? I have been flying for 3 days and need to cool down and maybe, if possible, get a shower in the garden.

What a happy surprise "DéDé" is at home and the wife is just preparing her self to go for a swim !
Friends of mine, "DéDé and Babsy" He is an extraordinary performer of jazz music, and a Lover of rhythm...

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